Dan, Karen, and Mandy,
I am so sorry for your loss. I was just thinking of Alex Sunday night as I was addressing Nick’s graduation invitations. I thought about what a kick he would get out of Nick’s accomplishments and how he was always so sweet and loving to my boys, especially. He had a unique ability to make you feel welcomed and like a lifelong friend – even if you hadn’t seen him in ages. Within minutes you were all caught up and felt like no time had passed at all! He was an AMAZING person and you can take great comfort in the fact that dad will welcome him with open arms and keep him “entertained” (I can only imagine the trouble they could get into) until we can all see them again. I hope you will continue to feel his presence as I feel dad’s every single day. The best advice I got was this: Never feel sorry for him. He’s fine. He’s safe and happy. But it’s ok to feel sorry for us because we will miss him. But know that he isn’t really gone… he’s just momentarily away. It’s like he’s just in the other room. Dad always said it and it’s just the truth: “Everything’s gonna be alright.” We love you and we’ll see you soon.
Erica, Nick, and Thomas Messenger